Concord Lodge #39 (INST)

Riccarton Masonic Centre Totara Ave, Riccarton Christchurch

Installation of VW Bro Allan Glasson as W Master. VW Bro Ray Gudex will be attending and addressing the Master.

The Methven Lodge #51

Methven Freemasons Hall 4 Chapman Street, Methven, New Zealand

Domestic Night - Practice going up in the three degrees and down again in full.  Also Calling the Lodge off and back on again.  The WM will be in Israel and with the Grand Lodge of Israel.  Lodge in the care of Dep Master W Bro Don Smith.

The Methven Lodge #51

Methven Freemasons Hall 4 Chapman Street, Methven, New Zealand

The WM is Traveling Overseas - Dep Master W Bro Don Smith in Chair.

The Methven Lodge #51

Methven Freemasons Hall 4 Chapman Street, Methven, New Zealand

WM Travelling Overseas - Dep M W Bro Don Smith in Chair.

The Methven Lodge #51

Methven Freemasons Hall 4 Chapman Street, Methven, New Zealand

Visit to Erewhon Lodge #200

Ashburton Masonic Centre Havelock St, Ashburton

This is a special Combined meeting of Midland District #28 Lodges. A Second Degree will be worked. METHVEN SW Bro Chris Cayanan will be presenting the SE Corner.

Harmony Lodge #325 MLN – Visit

Ashburton Masonic Centre Havelock St, Ashburton

This is the Master W Bro Allan Keith's Last Night in the Chair - with Bro Marlon Aragon SW the Master elect.

Methven Lodge of Instruction

Methven Freemasons Hall 4 Chapman Street, Methven, New Zealand

Be ready Brethren for a First Degree, and the instruction for it!