How Do I Become a Freemason?

gms-jewelIf you know someone who is already a Freemason, contact them and tell them you are interested. They can tell you more about the next steps in the process. You might like to attend some social events before you make your decision which is usually possible. Talk to your friend about this.

If you don’t know anyone who is a Freemason you can phone the Grand Secretary on 04 385 6622 or email him, you can also contact”>contact the Master of this Lodge for more information. He can put you in touch with someone in your geographical area.

If you decide you would like to become a Freemason you will need to complete an application form. Your application is reviewed by a membership committee and you and your partner or family might meet someone from the committee for a chat.

Once your application is accepted you will attend a Lodge meeting and take part in a ceremony where you will be initiated as a Freemason.

What is Freemasonry

symbols2-sThe precise origins of Freemasonry have been lost in time, however, its traditions date back to the Middle Ages and to the stonemasons who built the cathedrals and castles of Europe. To construct them, it was necessary for men to have considerable knowledge of geometry, arithmetic and engineering. These highly skilled masons formed themselves into lodges to protect the skills and secrets of their trade and to pass their knowledge on to worthy apprentices. Importantly, these men were not bondsmen, hence the word “free” in Freemason.

By the 17th Century, when the building of castles and cathedrals diminished, Masonry began to lose its ‘operative’ aspects and worthy men who were not craftsmen were also accepted into its membership. It was from this time that Masons were known as ‘free and accepted’ Masons, as they continue to be known to this day.

The first Grand Lodge was established in England in 1717 and thereafter Freemasonry spread rapidly throughout the world. Freemasonry has been practised in Australasia since early in the 19th Century.

Freemasonry is…

  • One of the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organisations
  • An organisation of men who adopt the fundamental principle of integrity, goodwill and charity as the foundations for an individual’s life and character
  • A non-profit organisation that is heavily involved in supporting charity and community service
  • Comprised of men of good character with high ideals and worthwhile values who make a difference in the community

For more information click below:

The Myths Dispelled

  • It is not a secret society but embraces confidentiality
  • It is not a religion or a substitute for religion
  • It emphasises universal harmony and does not permit discussion of religion or politics
  • It is not a benefit society and to join for personal gain will only lead to disappointment

A Freemasons Code

  • To share a concern and respect for human values, moral standards, the laws of society and the rights of individuals
  • To believe in a Supreme Being
  • To help other people through charity work and community service
  • To promote fellowship and goodwill amongst his fellow members
  • To regularly attend Lodge meetings and participate, with his family, in masonic activities

freemasons nz



Freemasonry in New Zealand

The official web site for Freemasons NZ is:

New Zealand is divided into three Masonic Divisions, each of which is divided into a number of Districts. In each District there are a number of Lodges.

Each Division has a Divisional Grand Master who oversees the operations of the Districts.

Each District has a District Grand Master and a District Secretary.

Each Lodge has a Master, a Secretary and a range of other Officers to help with the running of the Lodge and its events.

Overseeing all of the Divisions, Districts and Lodges is Grand Lodge of New Zealand (GLNZ). Administration for GLNZ is done from Grand Lodge Office in Wellington.

Interesting Facts

There are 270 active Lodges in New Zealand.

There are over 9,300 Freemasons in New Zealand.

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