United Forces Lodge #245

Wigram Air Force Museum Wigram, Chch City

This is a special ANZAC Ceremony being held at the Wigram Air Force Museum co-insides with the 100th anniversary of the Galipoli Landing.  They are expecting many members and the public from throughout Canterbury to attend this function.  The Methven Lodge has by dispensation brought their April meeting forward by... Continue reading

Unity Lodge #271

Riccarton Masonic Centre Totara Ave, Riccarton Christchurch

Caledonian Lodge #16 (MLN)

Timaru Masonic Complex Maltby Avenue, Timaru

This evening is the current Master W Bro John McAra's Last Night before their Installation in June.

Erewhon Lodge #200 (Installation)

Ashburton Masonic Centre Havelock St, Ashburton

Methven Brethren - I will need stewards to help with the Erewhon Supper this evening.

The Methven Lodge #51 (Installation)

Methven Freemasons Hall 4 Chapman Street, Methven, New Zealand

Installation of W Bro George W Currie as Mast and his officers for 2015 / 16 year.  Installing Officer will be VW Bro  Ray E Gudex, PDistGM.  Erewhon Lodge #200 brethren will be doing the steward duties for the evening supper.

Midland Lodge of Research #436

Timaru Masonic Complex Maltby Avenue, Timaru

This Meeting to be held prior to the Timaru Lodge #196 meeting.