Concord Lodge #39

Riccarton Masonic Centre Totara Ave, Riccarton Christchurch

Erewhon Lodge #200 (INST)

Ashburton Masonic Centre Havelock St, Ashburton

METHVEN Brethren are expected to act as Stewards for the evening.

Methven Lodge #51 – INSTALLATION

Methven Freemasons Hall 4 Chapman Street, Methven, New Zealand

Master Elect is CHRISTOPHER V CAYANAN SW.  Normally a big night for the new W Master to be installed, as Master and Leader of our Lodge.  Installation by VW Bro JW Kinvig Dist GM and officers of Grand Lodge.  All new officers will be placed into their new chairs for... Continue reading

Harmony Lodge #325

Ashburton Masonic Centre Havelock St, Ashburton

The Methven Lodge #51

Methven Freemasons Hall 4 Chapman Street, Methven, New Zealand

DOMESTIC NIGHT  -  NO VISITORS PLEASE. Presentation of annual accounts. Presentation of 2nd term bar to W Bro PJ Rusbatch and investiture as SW Also to invest Bro JF Sandys as ADC Ballot for RW Bro Mark Winger as GM of NZ Ballot for Dist GM of Midland District W... Continue reading

Thistle Lodge #113

Ashburton Masonic Centre Havelock St, Ashburton

Thistle Lodge #113

Ashburton Masonic Centre Havelock St, Ashburton