Progress Lodge #22 – Combined
Lincoln Lodge Rooms: LincolnBrethren this is the annual Selwyn Group Combined Meeting at Progress Lodge #22 at Lincoln. A Second Degree will be worked. METHVEN #51 will be supplying the DC for the evening.
Brethren this is the annual Selwyn Group Combined Meeting at Progress Lodge #22 at Lincoln. A Second Degree will be worked. METHVEN #51 will be supplying the DC for the evening.
Our monthly regular meeting on Wednesday 14 October - An Emulation of The First Degree, in readiness for a live one in November.
Brethren your Master has been invited to speak to The Timaru Lodge relating to his travel experiences overseas, and more particularly relating to Freemasonry.
Brethren this is a special evening for a Methven "Son" who has become a member of Canterbury Kilwinng Lodge #23 at The Shirley Lodge Rooms in Chch City. Bro Major Ian J Lattimore (NZ Army Officer) is receiving his third degree this evening and it would be most appropriate to... Continue reading
This is the evening of our sister EC constitution Lodge's Installation.
The Last Night of W Bro Denny Gordon's year as Master is on the evening, He has been a great supporter of The Methven Lodge #51 and it will be nice to show that recognition by attending his last night.
Unity Lodge #271 is from the old Cashmere Lodge which Methven had many reciprocal visits over many years. A continued association would be desirable.
Ceremony will be a second (2nd) degree
This occasion will be the Installation of Marlon Aragon as Worshipful Master.
Ceremony: Address by the W.M. Wor.Bro A.B.Mansfield entitled "Why is it called the United Grand Lodge of England" - The Great Schism and the Grand Lodges of England.