View this link: Introduction Video To New Zealand Freemasonry

This is a very simple 4min video of Freemasonry in New Zealand, you will be impressed.


OR you can watch this very enlightening “Face TV” interview below of our Immediate Past Grand Master, MW Bro John Litton.

NZ Grand Master “Face TV” Interview


G L of Missouri Video

This Grand Lodge of Missouri video above is one of the best descriptions of Freemasonry, although it is American based, it is worth watching and gives a nice insight into Freemasonry as it operates in most countries around the world.


CLICK HERE, immediately below for:

Several VIDEOS from the Grand Lodge of Missouri – USA


This is a selection, (some are repeated on the page), found on the internet from The Grand Lodge of Missouri USA.  Although there are variances and differences between Grand Lodges around the world the principles, values and purposes of Freemasonry remain the same, but this selection of videos give a general rounded insight into Freemasonry expressing the sound values and principles of this big world wide organisation.  In all showing the 3 tenets of Freemasonry:   Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, the 3 precepts which directs its members: Peace, Love and Harmony,  and its 4 cardinal virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice.




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