Latest Past Events

Arowhenua Lodge #473

Winchester Lodge Hall Winchester

Arowhenua Lodge #473 Installation

The Methven Lodge #51

Methven Freemasons Hall 4 Chapman Street, Methven

This evening is an INITIATION of Mr Jayson, Verceles, Layno.  Brethren check your summons notice to see who are involved in the ceremony,

Selwyn Group at Erewhon Lodge Meeting

Ashburton Masonic Centre Havelock St, Ashburton

This is the annual SELWYN GROUP of Lodges combined meeting - this year to be held at the Erewhon Lodge #200 monthly meeting.  A second (2nd) degree will be conferred on a candidate yet to be found.  The Methven Lodge will supply the I.G. and present the Working Tools.